The Committee for Solving Global Warming (CSGW) has been encouraging people across the globe to find more efficient ways to obtain their energy, such as solar panels, wind turbines, and hydro-power. This is a slow process, but progress is being made. Now over 50% of the planet has a way to access clean hydro, wind, or solar energy. The CSGW is convincing governments to pass laws that make fossil fuel companies pay penalties for the damages they create. Because of this, for the past five years, the earth's average surface temperature has barely changed.
At the latest governmental meeting on July 19, Professor George Kimley stated, "Thousands of people on every continent have suffered from what we all have done." The earth's average surface temperature rose by 0.74 Fahrenheit (0.18 C) during the period 1906-2005. Global temperatures have been getting higher, which has been melting glaciers, rising seas, and creating extreme weather events. In the last century, sea levels have risen 7 inches after not having changed noticeably in the previous two thousand years. Humans need to know that that burning one gallon of gasoline puts 19 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
People are having to travel longer and longer distances to get fuel for their hovercrafts and to power their pet robots, and our politicians are doing nothing to fix this catastrophe. Global warming has become the world's biggest issue this century. Global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases, and other pollutants, which started in the late 19th century and continues to this day. Our society has polluted our air with carbon dioxide and gas. There are solutions though. Our Committee for Solving Global Warming (CSGW) is working to find these solutions before global warming gets even more disastrous, and it becomes too late.
Hello Sophia and Dylan, my name is Sky, and I am an 8th grader at Punahou School. I really enjoyed reading your article. It made me realize that Global Warming is a huge problem that most people just don't worry about. It also made me realize that me and everyone else should step up to try and help this problem. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to read this and try to help make the world a better place.