September 9, 2020
Due to hazardous and lethal population increase of eight billion humans, today half the earth is suffering from lack of fresh clean water. Someone dies every three seconds from a disease contracted from drinking what they think is harmless water. Only three percent of all of the water on this planet, which is three-quarters water, is fresh water, leaving ninety-seven percent salt water. With the little to no fresh water, two percent is locked up in glaciers, leaving humans less than 1 % to drink and use for our needs. With all of this, a genius named Donald Davidson has come up with a solution: He has created a plan to have an infinite supply of non contaminated water, giving communities freshwater. Lastly the biggest problem we would face as selfish humans is money.
Davidson's solution is to give each little community a desalinator so they could desalinate the water, and then make it fresh and drinkable. Another problem with the lack of fresh water is if we keep on desalinating the homes of the marine life, it could lead to extinction of the creatures that live in saltwater environments, but the little amounts of water that we actually need compared to the amounts of salt water on the planet is nothing.
There are many desalination plants around this world. Davidson's plan is to evolve this idea and put it into mass distribution and production, dramatically lowering the prices to make them and favor the people over the prices. With this we could solve a major problem, not only in Oregon but globally. Everything starts out as a little idea or problem, evolving over time to the next big bang. This is it, except Davidson hopes that people listen to him and actually start thinking about what is logical and smart.
Hi, I'm Celia. From your blog post, I learned how water is so important. It's scary to think about our future without water. Thanks for making me more aware of our water situation. Your blog was great and very factual. Good job!