Solution to Global Warming, by Jane & Jasper

October 2, 2020

Global warming is a huge problem, but Frank Jones CEO of PGE earlier this week unveiled the new Wind Sphere that offers an environmentally-friendly alternative to fossil fuels and coal. Global warming is caused by greenhouse gas emissions, and the two main creators of greenhouses gasses are transportation and heating/cooling.

If we also use less cars and more bikes and electric cars, then that will lessen carbon dioxide emissions worldwide. On average, the American family owns three cars. There are about 330 million people in the U.S. That's a lot of cars causing global warming. However, it's not just cars causing pollution. Power plants cause 15% of world pollution. If we had more efficient power plants, then imagine how much less polluted the Earth would be. Global Warming seems like a huge problem, but we can stop it.

In 1820, the Industrial Revolution began on Earth. Many new and amazing things were built, including factories and new tools. However, that also meant that smoke and gases were put into the atmosphere, and global warming began. As time passed, more and more factories got built and more greenhouse gases were released.

There has been a decline of penguins in the South Pole, from 32,000 penguins to 11,000 in only 30 years. Because of global warming, the ice around the world is melting and causing oceans to rise, and Polar Bears have lost most of their habitat.

When more heat comes through, then major storms are caused, like Hurricane Abelina in 2018 and Typhoon Margarita earlier this year. When these storms hit, Earth is devastated, and many people are killed.

PGE warns us that if humans don't switch to a renewable power source like solar and wind power soon, more storms will keep happening. Areas already prone to severe storms and hurricanes will get hit by them more and more. Unless we try to stop the storms, the storms will stop us.

The amount of oxygen dissolved in the ocean has gone down and sea life is shrinking. Animals that were critically endangered, like the Hawaiian Monk Seal, are now extremely rare, but still have a chance. Due to the rising temperatures in the ocean, however, they aren't getting enough oxygen and their prey isn't either.

Meerkats have just started to be affected by Global Warming. These innocent animal's food has been dying and there isn't enough food for every meerkat so they are dying of starvation. More and more species are becoming endangered, like the manatee and many whales.

The United States uses a total of 7 billion barrels of oil per year. That's 385 billion gallons of oil. The United States also makes up five percent of world population, but we consume 35 percent of materials. If we lessened the materials that we used, then that would mean less oil used and less pollution produced. Global Warming is a huge issue for the world right now, but we aren't doomed. We can save the sea life and the innocent meerkats.

PGE is ready for your call today at

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jane and Jasper :) My name is Amerlie and I attend Punahou School in Honolulu, Hawaii. I liked the videos that you included in your post, although there were grammar mistakes in second video. By the way, how did you guys get the idea of solving global warming? I like your names too, it's repetition. :D
